Thursday, January 25, 2018

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 138

Week 137 is here!

Day 960

  1. 100 Walkout Push-ups to Pull-up (Perform a Walkout Push-up. When you get the top, reach up to a bar and perform a pull-up)
  2. 100 Sit-ups to Ring Row (At the top of the sit-up, grab a pair of rings and perform a ring row, before laying back down to the bottom of the sit-up)
  3. 100 Squats to Pull-up 
  4. 10 km Running w/55# Vest
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 961

  1. 100 Meter Jog
  2. 100 Meter Sprint
  3. 100 Meter Backpeddle
  4. 100 Meter Side Shuffle Left
  5. 100 Meter Side Shuffle Right
  6. 400 Meter Jog
  7. 100 Meter Sprint
  8. 10 One Arm Push-ups Each Side
  9. 10 Sprinter Sit-ups Each Side
  10. 10 Pistols Each Side
--10 Rounds

Day 962

  1. 50 Planche Push-ups
  2. 50 V-Ups
  3. 50 High Jump Squats w/10# Vest
--2 Rounds, then
  1. 10 km Running w/55# Vest

Day 963

  1. 100 Knuckle Push-ups w/20# Vest
  2. 100 Sit-ups w/5 Punches at Top
  3. 100 Squats w/5 Band Pull-Aparts at Top
  4. 10 km Running w/55# Vest
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 964

  1. 25 Push-ups
  2. 25 Sit-ups
  3. 25 Squats
  4. 10 Push-ups @ 50% 1 RM
  5. 10 Sit-ups @ 50% 1 RM
  6. 10 Squats @ 50% 1 RM
  7. 15 Push-ups
  8. 15 Sit-ups
  9. 15 Squats
  10. 5 km Running w/55# Vest
--2 Rounds

Day 965

  1. 40 Manmakers w/80# DBs
  2. 80 Decline Sit-ups w/80# DB
  3. 80 Thrusters w/80# DBs
  4. 10 Manmakers w/75# DBs
  5. 20 Decline Sit-ups w/75# DB
  6. 20 Thrusters w/75# DB
  7. 10 km Running 
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 966

  1. 86 Push-ups
  2. 86 Sit-ups
  3. 86 Squats
  4. 14 Push-ups
  5. 14 Sit-ups
  6. 14 Squats
  7. 10 km Running at Easy Pace
--Complete in as few sets as possible

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