Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Veritas- Gangryong's Basic Training

Veritas is a great manhwa (Korean manga) and is full of super-powered fights and humor. If you get a chance to read it, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. This workout may be the only workout we actually get from Veritas, because after just a little while in the story, it starts to focus on more training for the fictitious martial arts in the manhwa. Don't feel too bad, though, because this workout is very hard and will take a very long time to master. You won't follow the training program of the story exactly, because Lightning Tiger has Gangryong do a serious of training exercises over the course of a whole year, so we'll just mix these workouts in with the rest of the Real Anime Training workouts. Also, remember to read the notes at the bottom of the post.

Gangryong's Basic Training

-Run 2 Hours (Complete run three times on separate occasions to advance to next level.)

-Run 3 Hours (Complete run six times on separate occasions to advance to next level.)

-Run 3 Hours
-25 Hanging Sit-ups

-Run 3 Hours
-50 Hanging Sit-ups
-25 One-Armed Push-ups Each Side

-Run 3 Hours
-75 Hanging Sit-ups
-35 One-Armed Push-ups Each Side
-Front and Side Split Practice (1 Minute Each)
      >Seated Hamstring Stretch
      >Standing Hamstring Stretch
      >Standing Raised Hamstring Stretch
      >Standing Quadriceps Stretch
      >Splits Stretch- Left, Middle, Right, Middle
      >Butterfly Groin Stretch
      >Lunge Stretch- Both Sides
      >Practice Easing into Side Split
      >Practice Easing into Front Split- Both Sides
      >Spread Eagle Stretch- Left, Middle, Right, Middle

-Run 3 Hours
-100 Hanging Sit-ups
-50 One-Armed Push-ups Each Side
-Front and Side Split Practice (1 Minute Each)
      >Seated Hamstring Stretch
      >Standing Hamstring Stretch
      >Standing Raised Hamstring Stretch
      >Standing Quadriceps Stretch
      >Splits Stretch- Left, Middle, Right, Middle
      >Butterfly Groin Stretch
      >Lunge Stretch- Both Sides
      >Practice Easing into Side Split
      >Practice Easing into Front Split- Both Sides
      >Spread Eagle Stretch- Left, Middle, Right, Middle
-30 Minutes "Non-dominant" Arm Practice

  • This workout assumes you are in good shape. If you can't hack the run, just do it for 30 minutes and walk the last 90 minutes. Then, as you get better, you can try for 60 running and 60 walking or alternate 30 minutes running and 30 minutes walking for the time frame. Once you hit Level Two, you'll follow a similar method, but since you'll be able at this point to run 2 hours straight, you'll probably just start off running for 120 minutes and walking 60. Then, you'll increase the amount of time you're running until it gets to three hours. Honestly, this is one of those things that is going to take you a long time to do, so don't freak out if you feel like you'll never get far in the workout.
  • There are quite a lot of Real Anime Training workouts that have running in them, from as little as 100 yards to a full marathon (potentially with this one, even longer than a marathon), so try not to put any other workouts with longer distances too close together. If you're going to do this workout or another long distance run, don't do any other super long distances that week. If you're an experienced long distance runner, use you're own judgement, because you probably know how your body operates and how long it takes you to recover.
  • You'll have to slow your pace down in order to run for such a long time. Remember to eat good-quality carbs and some protein an hour before your run and remember to eat 25-50 grams of protein within 30 minutes of finishing your run. You may actually have to take a sports drink with you during the run, because of the extended duration. Also, this is not a workout to be taken lightly and should not be done back to back or maybe even in the same week.
  • For the levels containing listed repetitions, complete the reps in as many sets as necessary to finish the number (or as many as you can), but do not advance to the next level until you can do the reps non-stop in one go.
  • The hanging sit-ups in the manhwa are demonstrated by Gangryong by hooking his feet over the bar and doing them without any assistance. This is not recommended. If you can, do them with some kind of anti-gravity boots (you hook them over the bar), or you can hook your feet over bar with some kind of additional support or wrap. However, I'm sure some of you will try to do it Gangryong's way, so please be careful. On any of these attempts, whatever method you choose, it is recommended to have a thick mat underneath you and a spotter.
  • For one-armed push-ups, it makes it easier to spread your legs for balance, but you may want to make the exercise harder eventually, so your ultimate goal would be to do one-armed push-ups with your feet together like a normal push-up.
  • You'll probably be stuck on Level Five for a very long time, maybe forever. The ultimate goal is to be able to do both a full front (on both side) and full side split. You shouldn't practice stretching too long and if you feel pain, you should stop. You'll spend one minute on each of the stretches, for a total of 18 minutes. If your legs feel up to it and you don't feel any pain, you could actually repeat the cycle one more time. However, remember that you should also be doing the Real Anime Training Stretching Routine after the workout. If, after numerous numerous times of doing this workout you still cannot do a full front or side split, you can move on to the next level, but it's entirely up to you when that happens.
  • "Non-dominant" Arm Practice means practicing punching, blocking, tossing a ball, other coordination movements all with your "Non-dominant hand," which if you are "Right-handed" would be your left hand and vice-versa. It's up to you what you do, but try to improve your use of your "Non-dominant" arm.
That's all for today. I know this one seems a little daunting, but just take it in stride. Mix this in with your other workouts and, when it shows up, take the beating and move on.

Until next time, good luck and train hard!


Anonymous said...

loving all the post's. i voted for hanma in the poll because i didn't know who the elder was but everyone else says the elder, which manga is the elder in? is it kencai?

The Anime Trainer said...

Yep, the Elder is from History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. He's quite ridiculous. If you haven't watched the series or read the manga, I really recommend it.

Anonymous said...

Cool. will do.

Anonymous said...

jus wondering what is the "spread eagle stretch"

The Anime Trainer said...

"Spread Eagle Stretch" is essentially spreading your legs as wide as they will go while seated with your legs straight. Keep your back as straight as possible. You'll reach to the middle for 30 secs, then each side for 30 secs, then back to the middle.

Anonymous said...

thanks for that

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