Saturday, November 12, 2016

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 44

Week 43 is here!

Day 302
  1. 100 YTW Push-ups w/2.5# Wrist Weights
  2. 100 Sit-ups to Overhead Reach w/2.5# Wrist Weights
  3. 100 Squats to Side Lateral Raise w/2.5# Wrist Weights
  4. 10 km Running w/2.5# Wrist Weights
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 303

  1. 100 Hindu Push-ups
  2. 100 Wide Leg Sit-ups
  3. 100 Hindu Squats
  4. 10 km Running on Hilly Terrain
--Complete in as few sets as possible

<<MONSTER EVENT-- Gangs have infested the city. There are more than you can count! Beat them and clean up the town!

  1. 3 Minutes Shadowboxing
  2. 3 Minutes Heavy Bag Work
  3. 3 Minutes Sand Bag Throws w/50-100# Sandbag
  4. 3 Minutes Heavy Bag Work
  5. 3 Minutes Shadowboxing>>

Day 304

  1. 5 x 14 Push-ups @ Last Week's Weight (1 Minute Rest in Between Sets)
  2. 5 x 14 Sit-ups @ Last Week's Weight
  3. 5 x 14 Squats @ Last Week's Weight
  4. 30 Push-ups
  5. 30 Sit-ups
  6. 30 Squats 
--Complete Final Sets of Calisthenics in as few sets as possible, then
  1. 5 km Running, as fast as possible
  2. 1 km Recovery Jog
  3. 3 km Running, as fast as possible
  4. 1 km Running Cool Down

Day 305

  1. 100 Clapping Push-ups
  2. 100 Sit-ups w/3 Punches at the Top
  3. 100 Squats w/Side Kick at the Top (50 Each Side)
  4. 10 km Running at Easy Pace
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 306

  1. 100 Push-ups w/Feet on Stability Ball
  2. 100 V-ups
  3. 100 Squats on Half BOSU Ball
  4. 10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 307

  1. 10 Push-ups w/95#
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/95#
  3. 10 Squats w/95#
--5 Rounds, then
  1. 5 Push-ups w/95#
  2. 5 Sit-ups w/95#
  3. 5 Squats w/95#
--10 Rounds, then
  1. 1 km Run, as fast as possible
  2. 2 km Run, Easy Pace
  3. 3 km Run, as fast as possible
  4. 4 km Run, Easy Pace

Day 308

Same as Day 287 on Week 41

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