Tuesday, April 14, 2015

10-Minute MetCons List

Unless otherwise stated, all of these MetCons are 10 Minute AMRAPs for use with the Gravity Room Method.

MetCon #1

  1. 8 Deadlifts @ 225#
  2. 12 Pull-ups

MetCon #2

  1. 5 Thrusters @ 135#
  2. 10 Handstand Push-ups
  3. 10 Double Unders

MetCon #3

  1. 9 Deadlifts @ 185#
  2. 6  Cleans @ 185#
  3. 3  Front Squats @ 185#

MetCon #4

  1. Bodyweight Bench Press- 21 Reps
  2. Pull-ups- 21 Reps
  3. 100 Meter Farmer's Walk @ 70#/hand

MetCon #5

  1. 15 Kettlebell Swings- 2 Pood (70#)
  2. 100 Meter Sprint
  3. 15 Clap Push-ups
  4. 100 Meter Sprint

MetCon #6

  1. 20 Box Jumps @ 24"
  2. 20 Overhead Walking Lunges/side @ 115#
  3. 20 Strict Overhead Presses @ 115#

MetCon #7

  1. 10 Barbell Biceps Curls @ 135#
  2. 20 One-Arm Dumbbell Deadlifts @ 90#  (10 Each Side)
  3. 30 Weighted Sit-ups @ 45#

MetCon #8

  1. 10 Bent Over Rows @ 155#
  2. Row 250 Meters
  3. 5 Burpees

MetCon #9
  1. 12 Sandbag/Log Cleans @ 60#
  2. 50 Meter Sandbag Drag/Log Flip

MetCon #10

1-2-3-4-5-6, etc, reps until the time runs out. 1 for all three. 2 for all three. 3 for all three and so on.
  1. Bench Press @ Bodyweight
  2. Squat @ 1.5x Bodyweight
  3. Deadlift @ 2x Bodyweight

MetCons will be added to this list over time. Feel free to comment below if you'd like to get one added to the list!

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