Monday, August 22, 2016

One Punch Man Training Program- Week 34

Week 33 is here!

Day 232

  1. 10 Mountain Climber Push-ups (Perform a Push-up and then 1 Mountain Climber, 1 per leg)
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/Ceiling Reach
  3. 10 Jump Squat w/Tuck Jump (As you jump, bring your knees up as high as possible each rep)
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
  1. 400 Meter Run, as fast as possible
  2. Rest time = 400 Time
  3. 800 Meter Run, as fast as possible
  4. Rest time = 800 Time
  5. 1200 Meter Run, as fast as possible
  6. Rest time = 1200 Time
  7. 1600 Meter Run, as fast as possible
  8. Rest time = 1600 Time
  9. 6000 Meter Run at Easy Pace
<<WEEK LONG HERO EVENT- (This hero event is a QUEST EVENT. The activities will be varied throughout the week, but they will all be tied together.)  A monster that cannot be killed by normal means is on a rampage and the only thing that can kill it is a mystical item that is located in a cave on a small island off the coast of the country.  All boats sink before they can reach the island, so you'll have to swim there!

Quest Day 1- Swim 1 Mile>>

Day 233

  1. 100 Hand Release Push-ups w/2 Second Squeeze during Hand Release
  2. 100 Diamond Sit-ups w/2 Second Reach Forward at Top of Sit-up
  3. 100 Squats w/2 Second Pause at Bottom
  4. 10 km Running 
--Complete in as few sets as possible

<<Quest Day 2- Climb 500 Total Feet on a Rock Wall or Rope>>

Day 234

  1. 10 Planche Grip Push-ups OR Planche Tuck Push-ups (Planche Push-ups with legs tucked to make it easier)
  2. 10 Decline Sit-ups (At least 45 Degrees)
  3. 10 Bulgarian Split Squats per side
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

10 km Run at Easy Pace

<<Quest Day 3- Move a large pile of stones to clear out an impasse in the cave. 

--Carry 10,000# of weights or rocks 25 Meters in any way you can with no external assistance>>

Day 235

All lifts +5# more than last week.
  1. 10 Push-ups
  2. 10 Sit-ups
  3. 10 Squats
  4. 10 Wide Push-ups @ 30% of Push-up 1 RM
  5. 10 Decline Sit-ups @ 30% of Sit-up 1 RM
  6. 10 Barbell Front Squats @ 30% of Back Squat 1 RM
  7. 10 Push-ups @ 50% of 1 RM
  8. 10 Sit-ups @ 50% of 1 RM
  9. 10 Squats @ 50% of 1 RM
  10. 10 Push-ups @ 70% of 1 RM
  11. 10 Sit-ups @ 70% of 1 RM
  12. 10 Squats @ 70% of 1 RM
  13. 5 Push-ups @ 80% of 1 RM
  14. 5 Sit-ups @ 80% of 1 RM
  15. 5 Squats @ 80% of 1 RM
  16. 55 Push-ups
  17. 55 Sit-ups
  18. 55 Squats
  19. --Complete Final Calisthenics in as few sets as possible, then
10 km Running as Easy Pace

<<Quest Day 4- You have acquired the item! Rest today after your normal workout and make sure you stretch really well and maybe roll out your muscles!>>

Day 236

  1. 50 Hindu Push-ups
  2. 1000 Meter Run, as fast as possible
  3. 50 V-Ups
  4. 1000 Meter Run, as fast as possible
  5. 50 Hindu Squats
  6. 1000 Meter Run, as fast as possible
  7. 50 Wide Push-ups
  8. 1000 Meter Run, as fast as possible
  9. 50 Wide-Leg Sit-ups
  10. 1000 Meter Run, as fast as possible
  11. 50 Sumo Squats
  12. 1000 Meter Run, as fast as possible
  13. Rest 2 Minutes
  14. 4000 Meter Run at Easy Pace
<<Quest Day 5- Climb 500 Total Feet on a Rock Wall or Rope>>

Day 237

  1. 10 Push-ups w/80#
  2. 10 Sit-ups w/80#
  3. 10 Squats w/80#
  4. 1000 Meter Run w/25# Vest
--10 Rounds

<<Quest Day 6- Swim 1 Mile and then throw a single punch to a heavy bag to demolish the creature, since your possession the item has weakened it greatly.>>

Day 238

Same as Day 203 on Week 29.

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